

Tips On Mixer Selection

Define your objectives well, stating target times for each batch processing. This will enable a proper evaluation of tank sizes required and productivity requirements.We recommend you refer to our General Objectives of Mixing in this section for more guidelines.
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Tips On Batch Size Selection

To arrive at a sensible batch or lot size for mixer selection and sizing, a number of planning considerations must be addressed in addition to various typical in-plant constraints. The type of mixer chosen may also have an impact on batch sizes.Read more…

Tips On Small Mixers Selection

These notes are for guidance to persons starting out in business and only needing a small batch production capability, or to those looking for small mixers for specialized batches of product, or working with small batches in laboratories or pilot plants.Read more…



Jones dispersers are high performance machines and will achieve good dispersions in typically 20 minutes for most dispersions with the right blade fitted.Read more…


Ribbon Blenders

The ribbon blender has a stationary shell with a rotating horizontal impeller. Possibly the most versatile and widely used blender and can be used for an extensive range of products from dry to paste.Read more…


Static Mixers

Also referred to as in-line mixers or motionless mixers, static mixers have no moving parts and operate continuously. Static mixers are efficient and generally require little maintenance.Read more…