Static Mixers

Also referred to as in-line mixers or motionless mixers, static mixers have no moving parts and operate continuously. Static mixers are efficient and generally require little maintenance. They are available in various metals and plastics, or PTFE lined steel pipes.

Jones Industrial Mixers can supply static mixers under technology of our principals and partners and thus will provide you with state of the art designs and products. Our principles are leaders in technically challenging static mixers and will gladly advise on your application.

We will be pleased to process your enquiry and await your process details. Please contact us with your full requirements

FoodGradeStaticMixers_2 PilotScaleStaticMixers_2 StaticMixersInHeatExchanger_2


Highly efficient mixing
Low energy consumption
No moving parts
Fits into the pipeline
Minimum space required
No back-mixing


Highly efficient mixing
Low energy consumption
No moving parts
Fits into the pipeline
Minimum space required
No back-mixing

Application and Uses



Detergents / Epoxies

Liquid Fertiliser

Water Treatment

Flavours & Fragrances

Food Products

Oil and Petroleum


Process Industries